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The United Nations (UN) Environment Management Group (EMG) is a system-wide coordination body on environment and human settlements. It was established in 2001 pursuant to the General Assembly resolution 53/242 in July 1999.

The resolution supported the proposal of the Secretary-General to establish an environmental management group contained in his report on the Environment and Human Settlements (A/53/463).
The EMG membership consists of the 51 specialized agencies, programmes and organs of the United Nations including the secretariats of the Multilateral Environmental Agreements.

The group is chaired by the Executive Director of UN Environment (UNEP) and supported by a secretariat provided by UN Environment . The Secretariat is located in Geneva, Switzerland.

The EMG identifies issues on the international environmental agenda that warrant cooperation, and finds ways of engaging its collective capacity in coherent management responses to those issues.

In accordance with its Terms of Reference the EMG works through technical meetings, Issue 
Management Groups and task forces. Representatives of intergovernmental bodies, civil society and international non-governmental organizations can be invited to contribute. Find out more about EMG Governance.

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"Because environmental issues underpin so many of the Agenda’s goals, they provide many opportunities to align efforts within the United Nations, as well as with governments, scientists, the private sector, civil society and communities. That is why the 51 agencies in the United Nations Environment Management Group are converging their strategies, sharing their experiences and showing what works and where more must be done. The diverse examples highlighted in this report include joint initiatives on pollution, climate refugees and financing." António Guterres Secretary-General of the United Nations

António Guterres

Secretary-General of the United Nations

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Guided by past and ongoing EMG processes, Stockholm+50 outcome and Common Agenda

Future Readiness

Making EMG future ready in support of an inclusive and strengthened international enviromental governance

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Based on the EMG’s Terms of Reference, this strategic narrative aims to guide and frame the work of the EMG in 2023-2030, taking into account the results of past and ongoing EMG processes, the findings and recommendations of the EMG reports to the Stockholm+50 International Meeting, the UN Secretary-General’s report. A number of specific issues will be addressed under three broad thematic areas which will have the flexibility to absorb new and emerging issues.

EMG Strategic Narrative 2023-2030 

Under each thematic area the EMG will seek to:

  • Enhance UN system coherence in addressing interlinked, intergenerational environmental crises of energy, biodiversity, climate, food and health;
  • Promote multilateral and multisectoral policy discussions and issue-based programming with respect to the international environmental and sustainable development agenda;
  • Prepare UN system-wide strategies and common approaches to promote policy coherence;
  • Prepare policy and normative guidance, guidelines and tools within the UN system;
  • Facilitate systematic approaches to data and knowledge aggregation and communication
  • Ensure alignment with existing UN action plans and issue-based coordination platforms;
  • Improve visibility and public awareness of the EMG, and position it as a platform for UN system knowledge sharing;
  • Support the CEB, HLCP, HLCM and the UN Development Cooperation Office in mainstreaming and implementing environmental priorities across UN policies, programming, management and operations, including in UN Country Teams
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Internal Sustainability

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