Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec sed est eleifend, malesuada orci in, iaculis purus. Etiam quis neque turpis. Aenean eu bibendum nunc. Vestibulum imperdiet, sapien non viverra tempor, tortor tortor commodo velit, quis volutpat urna turpis in tellus. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec sed est eleifend, malesuada orci in, iaculis purus. Etiam quis neque turpis. Aenean eu bibendum nunc. Vestibulum imperdiet, sapien non viverra tempor, tortor tortor commodo velit, quis volutpat urna turpis in tellus.
At the 27th meeting in 2021, the EMG Senior Officials expressed their overall support for making a contribution to the international meeting entitled “Stockholm+50: a healthy planet for the prosperity of all – our responsibility, our opportunity.” The EMG Task Team was established to facilitate the UN System Contribution to the Stockholm+50.
Learn MoreThe EMG’s IMG on Tackling E-waste published the report United Nation’s System-wide Response to Tackling E-waste (2017), highlighted the need for strengthened collaboration among United Nations organisations, with over 20 organisations active in tackling e-waste and over 150 e-waste initiatives having been undertaken since 2004.
Learn MoreThe EMG’s IMG on Tackling E-waste published the report United Nation’s System-wide Response to Tackling E-waste (2017), highlighted the need for strengthened collaboration among United Nations organisations, with over 20 organisations active in tackling e-waste and over 150 e-waste initiatives having been undertaken since 2004.
Learn MoreThe 24th Senior Officials Meeting of the EMG in 2018 led to the formation of a Coalition to Combat Sand and Dust Storms. This was in response to UN General Assembly Resolution 72/225 (2018) and the preceding UN Environment Assembly Resolution 2/21 (2016).
Learn MoreTo address the environmental dimensions of the COVID-19 pandemic, the EMG established the Consultative Process on Green Recovery in 2020. The mandate of the Process was to help the UN system define a coherent approach and identify opportunities for collaboration on a green recovery. In late 2021, the EMG published a final report based on this work.
Learn MoreThe EMG established a Task Team on Marine Litter and Microplastics in 2019 to strengthen the coordination of UN system support to Member States facing the challenges posed by marine litter. The Task Team prepared a 2022 report on UN system-wide efforts addressing the issue as a first step towards expanding UN system-wide collaboration.
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